Merry Christmas!
I finally had my first Canadian Christmas.
I have had so much fun for Christmas since the end of November.
Our house has been decorated with lots of nice and cute items and filled with lots of Christmas stories and events.
My host brothers have been sooooo excited at Christmas. So have others.
I wish I could write about all of Christmas stuff that I have done but I am just going to write about what I did on Christmas Eve and Christmas day.
Last night we went to see a drama called 'Nativity'.
The drama is about the birth of Jesus Christ and played in outside annually.
The church that the drama is played was kind of a long way from our house but I enjoyed the driving as well.
I was impressed with the drama played and organized nicely.
I had learned about the birth of him before but the drama was better to understand.
This morning I got up at 8:00a.m. in order to OPEN PRESENTS!!!!
My host brothers couldn't wait to open them and play with them!!
That was so fun not only to open them but also to see their reactions.
I got such a lot of nice and cute presents**
All of presents, with kindness and love from my host family made me so happy.
I gave presents to each member of my host family too.
Hope they really liked them**
Hope they really liked them**
Finally we had Christmas dinner, chicken, potatoes and peas.
I really appreciate all work of my host parents.
I had such a memorable Christmas*
I can't believe that there are only 5 more days until the new year!
This year, 2007 was such a speedy and massive year.
Also, I had tons of memorable stuff.
Everything that I have done in this year will bring a wonderful year apparently.
Hope there will be more precious days and happiness for everyone.
Thank you so much for everything.
Happy new year!